math tutoring online

Math online tutoring

Teachers’ Tutoring Services offers Math tutoring online. We provide you with a list of BC certified Math tutors that can help you achieve your academic goals

Find the Math tutor that best suits your needs

Talk to real people to find your Math tutor online

Looking for online Math tutoring services? We are passionate about finding you the best tutors. We have been offering referral services for over 40 years. To request a tutor our online forms are a fast and easy way to get started.  We also take phone calls! We will provide you with a list of highly qualified tutors for you to choose from.

TTS provides the one-on-one help when you need it. We are happy to discuss your specific needs and provide guidance to make sure you find the right tutor for you. Just give us a call at (604) 730-3410.

BC certified online Math tutors

Our Math tutors have experience teaching Math and are familiar with the curriculum. If not, they have a relevant graduate degree and subject matter expertise.  Additionally, all of our tutors are screened and have passed their criminal record checks.

For students struggling with Math

Need help with Math? We can help!

If you are feeling like you are anxious and having trouble getting a real grasp of the Math, be assured that you are capable of getting good grades and attaining your academic goals. It is possible, you can do it! The first step is clearing defining expectations and setting realistic goals while committing with some extra study hours.

Another step is getting a private Math tutor online to help you assess your Math level and target any specific roadblocks that you may have. Maybe you are missing some foundation points that are necessary for you to have a solid understanding on the topic you are supposed to be studying . One-on-one tutoring is the best option when you need explanations that suit your personal needs.

Learning Math in a way it makes sense

Our tutors love to teach, and our students benefit from working with them. Their goal is to provide highly engaging and simple to comprehend lessons, despite the complexity of the materials. It’s important for them that their students understand concepts intuitively and problem-solve at their own pace.  

Building confidence in Math

Our tutors do our best to provide a positive environment in which the student’s self-esteem and confidence in Math are nurtured and allowed to grow. They help you cover new topics, consolidate lessons through practice questions, build on previous topics, and do practice exams before tests at school. 

Find an online Math tutor now

Experienced Math’s teachers online to answer your questions

Complete our request form and find the support you need when looking for private online Math classes. We are a non-profit society established over 40 years ago by teachers, for teachers. The tutors we refer to you are experienced professionals that care for the quality of their tutoring. Most of them are regular teachers within the BC school system and have plenty of experience tutoring students privately.

After we provide you with a list of skilled Math tutors, you will be able to select a tutor of your choice, and contact them directly to arrange Zoom lessons. You can have as many lessons as you need and can stop anytime. No contracts needed!

Math tutor

How much is an online Math tutor?

Competitive tutoring rates

Because we are a non-profit, TTS offers competitive tutoring rates for highly qualified Math tutors.

Our rate is $55/hr per hour with no minimums required – simply pay as you go on an hourly basis.

No commitments or contracts

With TTS, you are not required to commit to any number of lessons, nor do we require you to sign a contract. It is a pay as you go system. You pay for each lesson when it takes place.

Our tutors are available to help with both short term needs (as short as one session) as well ongoing tutoring, for those that are looking for help for a semester or a school year.

Private online Math courses covered by our tutors

Math for Elementary, Intermediate K-7, High School Math, and College/University Level

Our highly-skilled tutors can help you with any subject in Math, including:

  • Math for Elementary and Intermediate K-7
  • Math 8 and Math 9
  • Foundations of Math and Pre-Calculus 10
  • Foundations of Math 11 / Foundations of Math 12
  • Pre-Calculus 11
  • Pre-Calculus 12
  • Math – College / University

What our online Math students are saying

Still wondering about online Math tutoring costs?


Cost of tutoring broken down

TTS is a non profit society – as such, our goal is to provide you with affordable, high quality tutoring, while minimizing cost. The bulk of the $55/hr hourly rate is paid to the tutor, while a small portion covers off TTS administration and staffing charges.

Additionally, a portion of the tutoring rate is donated to TAS Tutoring Aid Society. TAS is our registered BC charity that provides subsidized tutoring services to students that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford tutoring.